More Washi Tape!

washi tape arrows | baby nursery

Today I wanted to share some more photos from the baby room. Earlier this week I shared the wall decals that I created with washi tape. Sure enough when I got home Monday night I got to work with some more washi tape creations. These arrows were a very simple execution and I like the extra design they bring to the room. The room we chose for the kid is a little funky as it has two doors. One off the main hallway and the other goes to a private sunporch on the back of the house- will be a great play room eventually! Either way I was wanting to add something to the door to make it a little more visually interesting and fun.

I have another washi tape accent that I created on another wall in the baby room that I will share very soon- hopefully this weekend I can get a bunch of photos and do a little nursery tour.

Anyone else have some washi tape diys to share?

xx Ly