Three weeks a Madre

2015/01/img_8184.png Today Mario is three weeks old. Which obviously means that Mike and I have been parents truly, round-the-clock, taking care of him outside the womb for three weeks. So many people have said that the days of a newborn seem very long but at the same time very short. I don't really have this feeling. Maybe it feels like it's been a month which it already almost has. But it all seems quite manageable really. There have only been a couple moments where my hormones have taken over and I cried for no good reason or got frustrated with Mike for a small issue. Fortunately for our relationship he is understanding and I'm beginning to learn how to be apologetic (haha).

I'm trying to think through what I've learned or what has changed maybe since Mario came into our lives. The one truth that I want to record is that I feel like my admiration and love for Mike has grown. And I know that his for me has as well. I think we are both somewhat surprised at how well we feel we are adjusting to having this new person in our lives and in our bed. But also impressed with witnessing the natural ease of each other acting as his parents.

Mario so far seems to be an easy baby. He is very alert when he is awake but also a very good sleeper when he is sleeping. Nursing has gotten so much better. I think I need to do a post all about nursing soon... It's such a hot topic.

He still only fits into his newborn clothes and fortunately at a few days old we went to Hanna Andersson and picked up a few cute items in NB size for him. We had practically zero NB items when we brought him home.

Those are my thoughts this morning on my third week as a Madre.

xx Ly