singing songs to baby

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I wrote last week in my nine weeks a madre post that Mo enjoys us singing songs to him. We sing anything and everything. Nonsense songs, current favorites and hits from throughout the years. It is really fun to see him squirm and smile as we sing to him.

Most recently he has been hearing lots from Kanye & Rihanna... Four Five Seconds and Only One to be exact. We also have altered the words to OT Genasis' hit: I'm In Love With the Coco to say I'm In Love With the Momo. Making it family friendly by replacing the reference to cocaine with our babies name, thats legit right?

Plenty of other favorites, old and new come through on Spotify or Pandora playlists most days. I put on our wedding playlist and have introduced Mo to Otis Redding, Sam Cooke and Outkast. As I write this I have my Stevie Wonder Pandora station on and Aretha Franklin's Natural Woman just came on. I begin singing this to Mo and realize that lots of the songs I have sung for years before now all have a new and different meaning when I sing them to this little love instead of my big love.

When I was about eight months pregnant I was on the stair machine at the gym- powering through my workout when Lauryn Hill's Zion came on. I totally had a moment. Seriously, weepy eyes. When I listened to the lyrics it is not that they took on a new meaning, it was more that they were speaking to me specifically in my moment and in this part of my life. A way different experience than 15 years ago when the song came out and I listened to that album nonstop.

Thanks for reading my little update on the memories we are making as a little fam.

xx ly