bebegear for traveling families

bebegear review

As I noted on instagram, we did NOT travel light for our trip to LA. We knew we would not be keeping to just one part of town so with all of the activities and all of the driving the stroller and carseat were must haves. We lugged our own carseat and travel stroller- see post here for more details on that. But there were a few items that I thought would be nice to have so I went ahead and searched online for a resource that could provide us with some of our must haves. I found the site Bebegear and was impressed with their selection.

Number one on the list was the Bumbo chair. I had wished I had one on our previous trips. Sure enough Bebegear had a bumbo chair that we could rent. Second on my list was a bassinet, specifically the rock & play sleeper that Mo uses at home. Our past two trips had us off our sleep schedule so I thought his own sleeping area might do the trick. I contemplated renting a stroller from Bebegear but in the end opted for our first trip with our travel stroller. But the site did have plenty of stroller options for rent among many, many other things.

The main reason for posting though is to commend Bebegear on their customer service & friendly employees. Both via twitter and their online chat service I was given great customer service and even was offered a phone call to talk through my options and gifted a discount when I asked for it.  They actually ended up not having the Bumbo in stock for our delivery date but brought two other options that we got to keep free of charge.

Thanks Bebegear! You made Mo's first trip to LA that much more comfortable.

xx Ly