July is the best

 Six days into July and I can already say that it is my favorite month ever. A few things contributed to why July has been so amazing.

  1. Three day weekend.
  2. Friends & family.
  3. Holiday traditions.

In case you missed it, we had a national holiday on Saturday and because of that we had Friday off from work which, you guessed it, equals: THREE DAY WEEKEND!!!

My best friend Emi came into town from NY to stay with us for the holiday weekend. My cousin Alma returned from 3 weeks abroad and our lifelong Elizabeth heard about all of us getting together and booked a flight too!

 The Fourth of July has become a cherished holiday for me due in large part to the kids parade in my parent’s neighborhood. I was looking forward to it this year especially as a milestone. Last year, post parade, we announced our pregnancy to my family with a little American Apparel onesie featuring the American flag on it. I dressed Mo in the onesie right before we headed up to the parade this year which was special. It fit him perfectly, so perfect in fact that I am nervous it might not fit him in a couple weeks.

We spent the majority of the weekend in our front yard which is a new thing. Our back yard is probably four times the size of our front yard but the large patch of shade provided by the walnut tree in our front yard was a very welcomed destination. Friday we enjoyed lunch with old friends from out of town in the front yard. Saturday an impromptu Fourth of July picnic and Sunday the Women’s World Cup viewing with a large group of friends followed by movie night featuring Almost Famous.  

 Every single day this weekend was full or enjoyable moments with people I love, keep it up July!

xx Ly