new favorite insta acct


Happy Monday! I am here today with a really great present for you. To all my readers who are into dudes, Disneyland or just admire a cute guy with his kids this post is for you! Last week Mike & I were tagged in a post on insta by my bff. She introduced us to a new (to us) account titled DILFS of Disneyland. Yes, DILFS of Disneyland. I love, love, love Disneyland and no I don't mind (sing that like Usher and this post will be 100x better for your Monday morning) looking at some eye candy on my insta, who doesn't right?

dilfs of disneyland blog post

The account delivers on just what it sounds like it would. Dads and their kids enjoying Disneyland and California Adventure Park. Pretty great. I have no clue who is responsible for this account but from the looks of it I am lead to believe it is one part regram approach for the account. But there also has to be a Disney employee, or as they are referred to by those in the know, a Disney cast member. I am stumped though, I assume that snapping pics while working at the park is against the Mickey Mouse code of conduct. Nonetheless it is a really fun account to follow & the captions are funny little reads.

dilfs of disneyland

I already am way too excited to take Mo to Disney and now I have the anticipation (hope) of getting Mike featured on the account when we are there! From the looks of it though he will need some tattoos, most dads featured have got some ink. The girls who run this account definitely seem to have a type: dark hair, beard, tattoos, shades & a stroller.

how to be a hip dad

Sadly, I don't think we will be taking Mo to Disney for at least another three years. I don't see the use in taking him when we can't walk or speak. It would be a waste of all of our time if we went before he hit three, gonna be hard waiting that long though.

Any other DILF accounts I should be following?

xx Ly