the drool is real


PEOPLE! We are in the midst of teething right now. Mo has two bottom teeth that are 99% done coming in and from the looks of things more should be coming through very very soon. The teething nights have begun as well. Last week was a real toughie for us all with the sleep situation. Monday after being out at a work dinner I let the 'mom guilt' get the best of me. I came home from the dinner on the early side, 9pm and Mo was already asleep. Since I had not seen him all day I chose to let him sleep in bed with us. I had this sweet idea that we would just snooze and cuddle and it would be so wonderfully sweet. I was wrong. That night was just when the teething had really interrupted our routine. We were up more times than I can count and the poor boy was not comfortable from the teeth cutting through. He was tossing and turning and kicking (me) throughout the night. He would end up horizontal in bed with his legs kicking my side and his head on Mike's side. Why do I have to get the kicks!?!

Things have become a bit more manageable lately. He actually fell asleep on my chest in the middle of the night last night after a feeding and it was a perfect cuddle puddle for a good couple hours.

But the real reason I am writing this it to talk about THE DROOL. I thought we had been introduced to drool before. I was wrong. The bandana bibs,  bibdanas, drool bibs, kitchen rags are coming in REAL handy these days. I was out at Target and was so happy to find a few options there. These Banda Bibs were a good price and honestly I had been stalking the baby aisles at Target lately hoping they had an option. I scooped up two on my recent trip and the boy has already soaked through them. I got desperate over the weekend, before discovering the aforementioned bad boys (Banda Bibs) and tied a kitchen rag around his neck to keep his chest from getting all slimy.

So I leave you with that, some anecdotes of teething and drool but also the bonus of where you can find some drool bibs near you!

xx Ly