#oneyearamadre by elaine

Today we have another #oneyearamadre post from my friend and coworker Elaine. E is wife to one, madre to three and marketing director to many. Here she breaks down her unexpected journey to motherhood. It is sweet, honest and uplifting.

I was 23 years old when I learned that I was going to be a madre. It was unexpected to say the least. I didn't have a chance to think about whether I was ready or not. Nine months goes by really quickly when you're dealing with morning sickness, getting to know your future baby daddy, and transitioning from post-college life to the start of your career. What most people accomplish in 5 years, I had to do in less than a year. And, what most people do when they're mature and established, I did when I was young and naive.

So how did it go? It was great and I wouldn't change a thing.


I had to focus on the most important things. I didn't have time to ponder whether or not I was ready! I didn't have a chance to read all the books or compare bottles, cribs, and strollers. I didn't know to seek out nursing advice or get tips on how to avoid mastitis. We were just along for the ride.

But once she was born, I knew I didn't want to miss a thing. I adored her. I held her. I held her a lot. I broke all the sleep training rules. I took her out to dinners with friends, maybe even a bar or a holiday party or two. I took her to work events and photo shoots. I probably let her eat cake too early in her life. We didn't have a lot of rules but there was a lot of fun, a lot of adventure, a lot of trial and error.

Not only did I get thrown into parenting early, but we had our second surprise before my baby girl even turned one! There was no doubt at that point that being a mom was a big part of who I was going to be. I loved every bit of it and fully embraced it.

I can't say how much it changed me. When you get started that early and haven't had a chance to define yourself as an adult, it's not a question about how motherhood changes you. It becomes a question about how motherhood defines you. And how it constantly molds you and guides the choices you make.

Two girls and a boy. That's our crew. We're a team. We're a busy family like most modern families. But what makes it work is that we're here for each other. We consult each other. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone gets a voice. Everyone gets to chase their own dreams. If one parent is going to take a job that might require more time at work, the team is consulted. If one kid wants to try a new instrument or a new sport, we adjust schedules. We work together and agree together. We support each other. We understand. And when we make commitments to other teams, we give it our best and cheer each other on. But we also listen if things don't work out as planned. And we always, always, always put the team first.

Motherhood doesn't have to mean sacrifices. you still get to make choices and do what you want, the thought process and decision flow is just different when there are four other lives involved.
Thanks for inviting me to share my story, Lydia. I love reading your thoughts and watching Mo grow. You have such a fresh perspective on motherhood and it's refreshing to see how relaxed you and Mike are about it. I love love love it.

Love this Elaine! You are a total #momcrush of mine and someone I know I can always go to for perspective & honest advice.

xx Ly
foto cred ben pigao photography