January at age 31

It is January of my 31st year and it is only the 11th day. But somehow I have already had four baby showers happen in the past 11 days of this year. I only was able to make it to two. Even only attending two showers over the course of the 11 days of January it is obvious that a shift has happened in my life. I have not received a single save the date or wedding invite in the past six months but four invitations for baby showers. WOW. Times they sure are a changing, huh? Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 10.27.35 PM

Over the weekend I attended a shower where we were asked to share advice with the mama to be. Here were my five tips.

  1. ASK FOR HELP From your mother, sister in law, friend, neighbor, whoever.  When you need help or think you need help. Just ask. It will definitely do you good.
  2. TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF The first month or so of Mario's life he was on a really nice nap cycle. He napped rom 10 am- 12pm and I used this time each day to light a candle, put on some music, take a nice shower and get dressed for the day. It was nothing special but it was 'me time'.
  3. HAVE A GLASS OF WINE Mario's pediatrician actually gave me this advice. I was struggling with producing enough milk in the early days and she told me I needed to relax. The wine was a nice treat after a full day of care with Mo.
  4. TAKE BABY TO GRANDMA'S HOUSE I took (and continue to take) advantage of this one. Nights out with Mike or a break to Target or a run in the park. I know my parents  & Mike's parents enjoy their time with Mario. And I definitely enjoy the solo time to just get shit done.
  5. GET YUMMIE UNDIES from Nordstrom. They are comfortable and do a great job pulling that post partum tummy back into shape.

Those are my five pieces of advise. I think I was only asked for one piece of advice at the shower, but I couldn't help myself.

xx Ly