15 months a madre

Last week Mo hit 15 months, so an update is officially due here on the blog. He is a really sweet little boy and I am truly enjoying my role as his madre. I am working on a few future posts about sleep (for the whole family), favorite shoes for baby boys & more about life these days, including house dreams (thank you pinterest). For today I have compiled a collection of the highs and lows at 15 months a madre. Processed with VSCOcam with kk1 preset

  • Screeching: it is a real thing. Not happening all of the time but most often when we are sitting at a table enjoying a meal. I would like to think this is conversation but it is majorly annoying. Not sure what the boy is aiming to communicate and not quite sure how to kill this behavior. Any and all advice welcome.
  • Playtime: Playtime is all we are about these days. Dumping diapers, stacking blocks and getting dressed are all opportunities for play. Just last night Mo spent a good 10 minutes attempting to dress himself playing peekaboo with his pajamas. He was so content and it was adorable to watch.
  • Is he walking? The boy is not walking on his own yet. He takes solo steps but only four or five at a time and much prefers to crawl it out. He is extremely active though, crawling- very fast, climbing on top of everything and taking every chance to pull himself up to stand and smile really big at the feat.
  • Downward Dog is his favorite yoga position: Because the boy has not yet mastered how to stand up on his own, without the support of furniture or a helping hand, he often tries his best. He puts his hands on the floor, pushes his limbs up, thus resulting in downward dog. It is so cute.
  • Gates: We finally had to invest in some gates, ugh... ugly gates. We have one that we rotate around the house to contain him. They are ugly but they sure work wonders.
  • Sleep: The day that Mo hit 15 months, like clockwork, he has slept through the night each night. We are only one week in and I am quite hesitant to even write it here, cause I don't want to jinx it... But I had to share. More posts on sleep (for babies and madres) to come.

Please share and and all advice on the screeching! Thanks for reading.

xx Ly