#oneyearamadre by Rivah

Processed with VSCO with kk1 preset Today I get to bring you another #oneyearamadre post. I love sharing the different stories, emotions and experiences that come through when I ask friends to reflect on one year of motherhood.

This time from my friend and colleague Rivah. Her daughter Naomi turned one about a week a half ago and I promptly asked for a post. Rivah and I were pregnant around the same time and were able to confide in each other about all the awkwardness of pregnancy, the excitement and anticipation of becoming madres and the different struggles we both came across. Rivah has been the ying to my yang so I am really looking forward to sharing her post.


Hi! Rivah here, mom to Naomi and friend and mommy amiga to Ly. Excited to share a few thoughts on my experience at this moment…One year a madre.

It’s official, we’ve made it to the one year milestone. We just celebrated Naomi’s first birthday yesterday and it was a bittersweet moment for me. The only bitterness comes from the passing of time and how quickly it’s gone!! Of course it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies and i’ve definitely had my moments during these past 365 days….there were times when I wondered if I would ever be able to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time, or if I would be equipped and prepared for the uncertainty and fear that are inevitable in motherhood. I am happy to report that as of this week, Naomi is officially sleeping through the night!! On top of that amazing development, she is also walking and continuing to make my heart explode with joy on a daily basis.

There have been some challenging days and weeks, returning to work full time when Naomi was 20 weeks old really rocked my world and the emotion around being apart from her for the majority of her waking hours continues to prove incredibly difficult for me. There have been some seriously fussy days and a few scary moments of fever and sickness but behind it all there has been a sense of purpose and determination that i’ve never felt before becoming a mom.

I have learned a lot about myself this year. I’ve learned to be more patient and kind and to allow myself the space to feel emotion. Becoming a mom is a raw experience and there were days full of tears without reason, but followed by days of pure joy and awe. I’ve also learned to appreciate my husband more, to let sh-t go and to be grateful for this life and little family we’ve created together.

The thing that has really impressed me about myself and other moms has been the incredible connection you can have when you let other people in and genuinely share the vulnerability that is motherhood. I am grateful for all the friends, and especially the other moms that have supported me through simple conversation, visits, coffee and wine, flowers, hand-me-downs and all the gestures big and small along the way.

Being a mom to Naomi has made me feel complete in a way I never knew possible and I love everything about this experience, the good and the bad and everything in between.

Lots of love to all the moms and moms-to-be out there!!

Thank you Ly for the opportunity to reflect on this incredibly special time and share my thoughts. love you! xx

Happy #oneyearamadre Rivah, looking forward to brunch soon with our little families!

xx Ly