Anti Father's Day?

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset I had an epiphany this week while racking my brain about a gift for Mike for Father’s Day. Then I thought, "what did I get for Mother's day?" Asking that question put it all into perspective for me. Why did it matter what I 'got'? What I got was a supermarket bouquet of flowers. Upscale supermarket but supermarket nonetheless. The day was great, spent with our families enjoying good meals with our mothers- Mike's in the morning and mine in the afternoon.

I continued to think about what to get Mike. Would a supermarket bouquet be ok? Did I have to spring for some kind of manly leather goods? Honestly, I was getting a bit lost in the sea of advertisements and consumerism around the holiday. Blog posts with the lists of the 'top gifts for dad' or flash sales for Father's day, ah overwhelming! Then out of nowhere lightening struck when it came to my attention that Father’s Day is not Husband’s Day.

Yes, it is a day to honor father figures. But at our house from here on out Father's Day will be about celebrating your own Dad. Any gifts will be created or gifted by the child to their father. Hugs, kisses, sonnets, chalk murals on the sidewalk & improv shows completely acceptable. And yes, this mean’s that Mother’s Day is not Wife’s Day so the same rules apply to me in the future. One less thing to do, phew! Does this make me a horrible wife?

xx Ly