Toilet Time


This past week we hit a major milestone at Casa Mike y Ly, our nearly two and a half year old boy decided he wanted to use the toilet(!!!)

Out of the blue on Tuesday morning when I was changing his diaper he told me 'want to go pee pee'. I frantically ran upstairs, so that I wouldn't miss my window, to get his little potty and voila he went. Then about 20 minutes later I asked if he wanted to use it again and voila he went again. I was in a bit of shock to realize that my boy made this big decision all on his own without much coaching or bribing at all.

If you follow in instagram you know that we have had a potty since Christmas, a gift from my mom. It has been collecting dust in our upstairs bathroom sine then. Patiently waiting to be recognized for what it was here for.

Around the time we got the potty I reached out to a few folks asking for any potty training advice. The main thing that I gleaned from the very little I heard and read was that you are supposed to hunker down and dedicate a three day weekend to potty training. Don't plan anything that makes you leave your house and keep distractions to a minimum.

With Mario deciding to begin using the toilet on a Tuesday this obviously wasn't going to work for us. So we just jumped right in. I had bought some unders from Hanna Andersson a few months back on sale so had those stocked and ready. Throughout the week he had a few accidents and of course had to work on his aim when sitting on the potty but overall we are moving in the right direction.

Come this weekend I was a bit nervous about being 100% dedicated to potty training. He had his fair share of accidents Saturday morning and I was #overit by nap time. I put a diaper on him for his nap (common practice from what I hear) and once he woke up back he went into unders. By this time we were all ready for some time outside the house and went for a nice walk in the hood, I packed another pair of unders for us in the stroller and we were off. We ended up being out and about for about six hours and our boy did a great job peeing on the toilet, adult ones, at the various shops and restaurants we visited.

Once we were out and about I changed my potty training tactics and ended up taking him to the toilet every 30 minutes to use it. I didn't even bother asking him if he 'had to go' but instead just said 'lets try to use the potty' and he was happy to oblige.

Thank god we got out of the house, the weather was beautiful and we got to accomplish a few to-dos (haircut for Mike and wine pick up at our wine shop too). We then had dinner with friends out on the Olympia Provisions Wurst patio which was just what we needed.

Sunday things continued to go smoothly- with reminders every 30 minutes. And he is off today to hang out with his Nonna, looking forward to the updates from her. Please send any other tips or watch outs in this whole potty training world.

xx ly