because I'm happy

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As the Pharell hit from last year goes so does this post about my Saturday. I remember multiple times on Saturday where I just paused and thought: I am happy. Saturday was of course Valentine's day but more importantly it was a full day spent with Mike and Mo.

Soon after Mike returned from his shoot in NYC he got both an ear and throat infection so all last week was kind of just like having him gone again. He was resting and on the mend during most of the waking hours which left Mo and I where else but my moms house. But on Saturday he was back to about 99% and we spent all day together. We spent the morning in bed trying to make Mo smile and Mike brought me a juice from the fridge that I joked was breakfast in bed. Then we ended up out to lunch. The rest of the afternoon spent doing some spring shopping downtown after, which is always fun! It felt like old times and Mo was along for the ride, just cozy in his Sollybaby wrap, I guess it is just our new normal.

We ended the day with a run around our hood and then up to my parents house and watched a movie. I was proud of myself for being in the moment and being grateful for the people I was with and the simple experiences we were sharing. It was my best Valentine's day so far.

xx Ly