weekends are for momo

At 10 months into being a family of three, I can’t help but feel like I didn’t really know the value of a weekend prior to having a baby. I realize how ridiculous this is to say, but hear me out. Weekends pre baby were fun. Sleeping in & going out, doing things that I could not fit into the workweek. They were good, but never really felt like a real escape from the week. Partially due to who I would spend my weekends with, a lot of friends from work, but also because I would do a fair amount of work or be traveling for work on weekends. Nowadays we still sleep in and we still go out. But, as you can imagine, we do most of it with Mario. We get dedicated time as a family unit, which never happens during the week except for the two hours at the end of the day between getting home form work and putting him to sleep. Those hours during the week though are typically spent half in and half out. One of us is typically working- on a call or responding to an email, or prepping dinner, translation: deciding which restaurant to go to or order from.


So come Friday night we head up to my parents’ house to see Mo after a long week, eat pizza with the extended family up there and begin to decompress. Come Saturday morning we let Mo play in his bed independently, most often for an hour or 45 minutes from 7:30 on, until he lets us know that he wants to see us and then one of us scoops him up and brings him into our bed so we can have a slow morning together. In our cozy bed made up of old unmatched sheets and pillowcases that come together with our dog, our baby, discarded socks & drips from milk bottles. And just like that our weekend begins. I can honestly say that most weekends I check in on work less & focus more on time with Mo to fulfill my duties as a madre.

xx Ly