decorating for the holidays


I know it is not yet Thanksgiving but I do have some Christmas related thoughts on my mind. I am actually quite proud of myself for thinking this far ahead. I think it has to do with the fact that Mario turns one in exactly a month, the day before Christmas Eve. The though of the typical hustle and bustle of the holidays: decorating, shopping, partying, wrapping up work  has me in a bit of HOLY SHIT mode.

First things first, I am still on the hunt for some madre approved christmas stockings to hang above our mantle. Last year I made a plea on instagram to get some help in finding some unique stockings but the best advice I got was to make my own. The ones above from Pendleton are my current contenders. If you have any suggestions I would love them! I have tried, Anthropologie, Schoolhouse Electric & West Elm but nothing has been AMAZING.

I am also taking suggestions for how to decorate, our tree specifically, knowing that Mo will try at least 12 times a day to knock it over. My sister in law wrapped up big storage boxes last year and kept them in front of her tree all season as decor and baby deflectors. It worked pretty well, I just imagine Mo climbing atop it and it then we have even more trouble on our hands! My own madre still puts the unbreakable and soft ornaments on the bottom at baby level knowing that inevitably baby hands are going to grasp at them.

Please share your advice on all of the above! And happy Thanksgiving week!

xx Ly