five things brightening my days

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset If you are living in a blue bubble like I do in the PNW, it has been a dark couple of weeks. And I am not talking about the weather. So when life gives you lemons (or orange dictators) you make some lemonade. I am trying to focus on the positive and today I am sharing five things that have been bringing me optimism, making me feel productive and adding a spring to my step.

  1. SPIN In January I made a commitment to head to spin class once a week on Wednesdays when my absolute favorite instructor is teaching. The classes with her are intense and invigorating. As I have said before I consider these classes kind of like therapy. And I end up leaving her classes much more level headed, energized and optimistic.
  2. MAKING DINNER I was inspired by this blog post to try my best at cooking dinners during the week. I headed to the grocery store Sunday and stocked up on all the ingredients. Have made dinner twice since then and planning to do so again tonight.
  3. GOOGLE HOME For Christmas we got a google home device. I put it in the kitchen for a couple reasons. One, to bring some modern living to the space that is practically original circa 1912. Two, to make the space more inviting while cooking eggs in the morning or dinner at night. The whole family has become fans of the device and I feel like such a modern family having a robot in our house!
  4. HOUSE PINS Speaking of our 1912 house, it is no secret that I am mildly obsessed with the idea of a home renovation. After our home saga last year, both Mike and I are pretty deep into the home inspo sites like Dwell and Pinterest. Lots of our conversation these days center around the articles and images we have been exploring and proving to give us tons of inspiration. Now if the price is right we can hopefully pull the trigger.
  5. LIPSTICK QUEEN This has been a little secret of mine the past few months. I had always been on the hunt for the perfect lipstick. Something I could wear regularly but was not fussy. And most importantly something that was fool-proof when it comes to application. THIS is just the stuff, Lipstick Queen's Frog Prince Color changing lipstick. It is a green lipstick that comes on kind of clear and then adapts *with science* to a color that best suits you by enhancing the natural pink and red coloring of your lips.

Those are the five things that are bringing me LIFE right now. Hope you enjoy.

xx Ly