Throwback to 9 Weeks A Madre

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Happy 'throwback thursday' here today with a post that is from exactly two years ago. Looking at this picture my boy looks like a pet monkey, I can't beleive it.

I wrote this post at '9 weeks a madre'. The theme of the post is really focused on schedule and having a family routine which is a theme I have been thinking about a lot these past few weeks. We have totally gotten into a routine these days. I won't bore you with the details but its kind of mind numbing at some points during the week. Weekends definitely are a time when we mix things up and break the routine which is really refreshing.

I pulled an excerpt from the post below, click through to read the rest!

xx ly

We hit nine weeks yesterday and two months of life with Mo on Monday. Just last week we hit a major milestone: fun. Mo is more fun than ever.

Part of this fun and general happiness might be attributed to the wonderful weather we have been having this month. The fact that we can spend each day outside in the warm sunshine is definitely a wonderful thing. I was so nervous about having my maternity leave in our PNW winter, figuring we would be stuck inside each day due to the rain and gloom. But have been more than pleasantly surprised by the temps in the 60’s and regular/frequent time spent outside.

But back to the kid… He is smiling regularly and so much more engaged with us, still quite serious and very inquisitive (judging) with those eyes. Also, it must be known that the boy loves to have me sing to him, which makes me feel quite special.  We are still working on ironing out the right schedule. I know that schedules are important with babies and children. Mike and I really had no schedule and little structure to our lives outside of work before the baby came along. We were quite spontaneous with plans and activities. So along with adjusting to this extra heart beat we are working through what it means to have more of a schedule we can rely on.